Some relationships might look all nice on the outside but in reality, it’s just two individuals wasting their time together. Sooner or later, the ugly reality of incompatibility will manifest and everything will go down the drain. It’s better to realize that the relationship won’t work out earlier and call it off rather than go the long route to where it finally ends. There are many clues to know you’re wasting your time with the wrong person and some of these clues are even visible. However, we often choose to ignore them or hope that things will change with time.

You could be wasting your time with the wrong person and not know it which is the worst case scenario and that’s why we bring some of the clues to the fore in this piece.

So let’s get started.


5 Signs You’re Wasting Your Time On The Wrong Person


1. You Keep Comparing and Wanting More from your Partner

When you find yourself not satisfied with who your partner is and you just keep wanting more, then it’s a subtle sign you’re with the wrong person. From your partner’s appearance to his social or financial status, you keep wishing things were better, you keep comparing him/her to someone else in your mind wishing they were like the other person.

You just want more; want your partner to be bigger, taller, smarter, finer, richer, and all the comparative adjectives you can think of in the book are in your head. That’s a sign that you should find someone else who has the things you’re looking for. You must have fallen in love blinded with the façade or fallen in love just too soon when you should have waited to realize all these qualities you seek that are found wanting.

So it’s time to move on and next time, be patient to find out that everything you need in your partner is in place before going into the relationship with both hands and feet. Some of these qualities can’t be changed so you’ll keep wishing your partner was taller and it’ll never happen.


2. You Only Share a Few Things in Common

For two people to successfully live together in peace and harmony for a long time, they have to be compatible and that means sharing a lot of things in common. If locality and same book club is all you share in common then you need to find more because that’s barely enough. If the bulk of the things you like are an eye sore to her, and vice versa then you both are on a new kind of mission impossible.

Granted, in relationships you have to compromise and meet your partner in the middle. You might not like swimming but try it because of him, you might not like the game of soccer but can decide to watch with him. These are some of the compromises you have to make. But when they are just too much, there’s only a limit to how much compromises you can make before you grow weary. So it’s important you share a lot in common which leads to you having very few sacrifices and compromises to make.

It’s going to be forever by the time you guys take things up a notch and down to the altar. You have to fit into each other else you’ll fall apart after a while. If you only share one or two things in common, you’re certainly with the wrong person and time is not on your side. Stop trying to make it work and walk away on time before it gets complicated.


3. You’re Not Getting Better with Your Partner

One of the goals of tagging along with a partner in this journey of life is to become better. The addition should be mutually beneficial and not otherwise. If you find yourself doing worse than your partner met you then it’s a sign that you’re not getting better. Most times the signs are vivid. Your partner talks down on you, diminishes your self esteem, isn’t supportive or encouraging, and doesn’t bring anything to the table but you know all of these and you’re tolerating the situation.

You’re certainly wasting your time with the wrong partner. In every relationship, you should be able to number at least two ways in which you’ve benefited from your partner or it could extend into how your life is getting better than when you were single. If look at it from this standpoint, it’s pointless being a relationship with someone when you are better off single.

Your partner should help you be a better person, make you happier, and make your life somewhat easier. If you aren’t getting any of these but constant troubles, nagging, mental stress, and emotional challenges, then now might be the right time to get off that ship.


4. Observers Predict Failure

Most times, to get a clear view of any situation, you’d have to come out of it and this places observers at a vantage point to predict the future of your relationship. They could be seeing things you’re not seeing because you’re inside and they’re outside, and because you’re blinded by love but they aren’t. These observers could be family members or friends but they are seeing a lot of red flags that you both are blind to.

Consequently, if they keep predicting the failure of the relationship, then you need to look at the relationship with a fresh pair of eyes. Perception most times is reality, and if people perceive the relationship to be a failed one even when it’s just starting they could be right at the end of the day.

One observer might not be taken seriously, but when you have three to four persons telling you that they feel this relationship you’re into won’t survive the coming years then you need to pay attention to them and stop wasting your time. Never take public perception for granted especially when they’re all saying the same about your relationship.


5. You Have A Wrong Feeling About It

Our instincts look out for us and when things won’t pan out well, they try to warn us beforehand. You might be having that wrong feeling about the relationship and just choose to ignore it. We’ve all been there. At that point where your instinct is telling you this isn’t right and you’re scared but your partner tries to convince you everything is okay and you give it a shot. It’s not always rosy at the end. Learn to trust your instincts, they are right most of the time no matter how subtle they might be.

Do not ignore their warnings and the red flags they are waving at you. If you have a weird feeling about the relationship and something is telling you it won’t work out, you need to heed to the warning else you’ll be wasting your time with the wrong person.

While others are having a bird’s eye view of the relationship and seeing things clearly, you might not see them that way but your heart is hinting at it and trying to warn you. You must be familiar with statements like “I’ve always had a bad feeling about this” or “I knew this guy was evil”. Those statements are evidences that are our instincts are right 90% of the time and we should learn to believe in them.



Relationships are ideally not meant to be all rosy and blissful. A few challenges here and there will certainly emerge one day and that’s how nature made it. No two individuals coming from different backgrounds can survive together without clashes. Even siblings do have issues on a daily basis. However, we are focusing on minimizing these challenges and that’s why you have to know when you’re wasting time with the wrong person so you can be aware and avoid wasting any further time.

When the relationship enters into the legal books, it’s difficult to pull out unscathed. It’s best to come out now with minimal damages than risk losing everything later on. Armed with these tips, you can discover the direction of your relationship and know what to do.

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