Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing at CMX Chat: where we leverage cutting-edge strategies and our vibrant community platform to enhance your online visibility and increase your traffic and engagement.

Our Services:

SEO Integration

Maximize your business’s online presence with our comprehensive SEO services. We ensure your content is optimized for search engines, improving your visibility and driving more organic traffic to your site.

  • Keyword Optimization: We will learn your business with you to find and incorporate targeted keywords to boost your content’s relevance and search rankings.
  • Content Strategy: CMX Chat will develop content that is original and not only engages readers but also improves your rankings on search engines.
  • Technical SEO: We will enhance the backend of your website, continuously meeting the technical criteria favored by search engines. Thus, improving site speed, mobile responsiveness, and indexing.

On-Site Advertisements

We are so passionate about Collaboration and see exactly where businesses can support one another. We offer the ability to capitalize on our highly trafficked platform, by featuring your advertisements directly on CMX Chat. With such a variety of users, and such a huge number of organic traffic that we have from across the globe, we feel that we are in a fantastic place to offer business that we are working with a variety of ad placement availability so that your brand can achieve significant exposure to a targeted audience.

  • Banner Ads: We offer the ability to position your brand prominently across various pages of the CMX Chat site.
  • Sponsored Posts: Integrate your content seamlessly with our regular postings, to capture audience interest authentically. 

Discord Server Advertising Services

Our Discord Server is growing by the day, with over 2000 new members in just a month in March 2024 and this continues to grow, especially with the creation of Cross-Chat. We offer businesses the ability to engage directly with communities through tailored ads on our Discord server. This service allows for direct interaction and immediate feedback from potential customers within various Discord channels.

  • Custom Channels: Do you have something specific to say? We will work with businesses to create or have them sponsor existing channels, where your target audience frequently engages.
  • Event Sponsorships: Do you want to support an event that we have that is closely linked to your business or business values? Gain exposure by sponsoring our community events and activities on our Discord server.

Collaboration Hub for Backlinks

Join our Collaboration Hub and utilise it to connect with other content creators and businesses, securing valuable community backlink building that enhance your SEO efforts and increase your site’s authority in search engines.

  • Guest Posting: Through the Collaboration Hub, contribute to or exchange posts with other bloggers or businesses within the hub.
  • Partner Content: Collaborate on content creation with other businesses or directly with CMX Chat, that includes mutual back-linking to enhance SEO.


Why Choose CMX Chat Digital Marketing?


Integrated Marketing Solutions
Our holistic and collaborative approach integrates various digital marketing strategies to provide comprehensive support for your online branding efforts. We want to see you succeed.

Community-Driven Platforms
Leverage our active and engaged community across CMX Chat and Discord to enhance your marketing campaigns with real-time feedback and active participation. Specifically in terms of feedback, we have the ability to run polls and other confidential methods for you to gain valuable insights into your business on both of our community areas.

Expertise and Innovation
With a team of experienced digital marketers and the latest in marketing technology and AI software, we offer innovative solutions that keep you ahead in a competitive digital landscape.


Get Started

Embark on your digital marketing journey with CMX Chat today and watch your online presence grow. Contact us to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your specific marketing needs.