Our Story

Being Social During Un-Sociable Times


Silent streets, vacant lots, empty buildings.

2020: a not-so-distant era of social distancing and world events that not only physically separated people, but emotionally separated us as well. Wearing masks, standing six feet apart, and cautiously, well, being cautious! People, understandably, found it difficult to develop meaningful relationships. After all, we are social creatures. However, as history has continuously shown us, adversity cultivates innovation. As many turned towards the online world for human connection, the team behind CMXChat did too. Since that day, we have written our story, grown and held each others ‘online hands’ in the process, developing our own community, our own vision of the future and our own space to make ours, with you at the forefront of our vision.


Birth and Growth


Amidst the lockdowns, we dreamed of a space for creative minds and deep thinkers – one where we could express and collaborate freely. Thus, CMXChat was born.

Professional coders, designers, writers, project managers, marketing professionals, and more gathered from different corners of the Internet, from all over the globe to conceptualise, design, and create the online community and platform, CMXChat.

Now, CMXChat stands tall above the crowd as an AI-powered, human-first social platform that puts an emphasize on lively, fun, safe and engaged communities. Finally, a space where people could go back to being people: forming connections, falling in love, creating artworks and sharing writing, collaborating on projects, and generally, reclaiming their humanity.

Over the next few years, CMX grew organically as like-minded people were either introduced by our current members or stumbled upon our chat rooms when in search of somewhere to call their online home. As our family grew, so did our story and our history. As new love stories unfolded, creative teams were built, and new social circles were created. Slowly but surely, CMX became a force of nature, with new users joining us every day!


Looking Forward...


Today, CMX looks towards a future where OUR success story can become YOURS. We offer a wide array of varying services ranging from back/front-end support for Discord servers; digital marketing services; collaborative avenues with other Discord servers and partners; website development assistance; and even business card design and production.

We take a ‘one-stop-shop’ approach to providing service excellence to those hoping to create the next, big Discord server and community. We hope to not only help YOU grow, but to also grow OUR network of passionate, like-minded users and clients.

With CMX, the possibilities are endless. So let’s get to work.


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