Did you meet someone who caught you on your free chat site or date site? Excellent! Now, it’s time to get to know your date to get a Conversation Going with them.

However, you may be one of those people who has a hard time breaking the ice. It’s called ice for a reason: it’s solid, cold, and can freeze you from going any further in your date. That’s why we have these handy little things called ice breakers.

When chatting with someone in the general chat room, you don’t want to begin the conversation with a simple “Hi.” Also, avoid a generic question that has been done before, like a favorite color. Instead, it would be best if you asked some interesting questions to get a conversation going.

Luckily, CMX Chat has got some great ice breakers to help you.



1. “What is Your Biggest Job, Horror Story?”

Discussing your job is one ice breaker you can go for, but asking someone what they do for a living is tiring. So instead, why not ask your date what their worst horror story is? Chances are, someone has had a horrible experience at their job, and being able to talk about it can feel therapeutic. Job stories can also be a way for you to learn more about the person. For example, if they had an encounter with a horrible customer, you can understand their dislikes.


2. “What’s a Skill You Want to Learn?”

Going off the previous ice breaker, ask about skills. Everyone wants to improve their talent but may not have the time at the moment to do so. This question can help you learn how your date wants to grow, and it’s a great way to ask about one’s future.



3. “What is Your Best Purchase This Year?”

Asking questions about one’s spending habits is wise, as you want to be sure your date is financially compatible. But asking questions about how much money they make in a year is nosy. So why not ask what their favorite purchase is this year? You can learn about their spending habits and what they value.


4. “If You Could Just Teleport, Where Would You Go?”

This question is a twist on the “where would you like to travel?” For one, it involves a fun dive into the supernatural. For two, it lets people answer instantly. Since the person is teleporting, they may imagine themselves leaving and immediately appearing somewhere else. Where are they? That’s up to the date to answer.


5. “If Your Phone Could Only Hold Five Songs, What Songs Would Those Be?”

In a world of unlimited streaming, it’s hard to imagine being limited to a certain amount of songs. However, what if you were? This question allows you to learn more about your date’s taste in music, and they have to think about it. Do they want the catchiest songs? Want something more cerebral? It’s hard to choose just five songs from modern music history, but it is possible if one thinks about it for a little bit.


6. “If You Could Remove One Word or Phrase From the English Language, What Would it Be?”

We all have specific words or phrases that bother us. Maybe you don’t like grammatically incorrect phrases like “I could care less,” or you hate the latest online lingo. Ask your date what word they would remove. They may be someone who automatically goes to a phrase that annoys them or a harmful phrase. Their answer can tell you a lot more about them, and it gives room for conversation.



7. “Worst Date Experience?”

When asking someone a question like this, be it at a dating room online or in person, it doesn’t hurt to ask about other dates. Chances are, it’s not your date’s first rodeo, and they may have experiences that are well worth talking about. So not only can you bond over dating horror stories, but you can learn what not to do on your own dates.


8. “Would You Rather Wake Up Really Early or Really Late?”

We’re all either morning persons or night persons. Well, there are some in-between, but most love bragging about being an early riser or talk about being a cryptid at night. So asking this question can help you learn how your date sleeps and if it’s compatible with you. Not only that, but you can know more about their routine and what they like to do for fun this way.


9. “If You Could Choose One Emotion to Tone Down, What Would it Be?”

Everyone has their own emotion that is their weakness. Some people get too angry, while others cry at the littlest upset. Some people feel like they maybe have too much happiness, as odd as that may sound. We all come with different emotional levels, and while it is possible to change them, they stay with most for a lifetime.

Being able to ask someone what emotion they wish to tone down can lead to some interesting results. For example, you may hear stories about moments of weakness, be it an outburst or being too emotional when it wasn’t appropriate.



10. “Do You Prefer ‘Would You Rather,’ ‘20 Questions,’ or ‘Never Have I Ever?’

We all have those games we use to get to know people better or pass the time at parties. These can be an excellent way to ask some questions to break the ice and reveal some interesting stories about the person you’re dating.

After asking the previous questions, why not play a game of either ‘Would you rather,’ ’20 questions’, or ‘Never have I ever?’ Asking your date which they prefer is not only an icebreaker but a way to ask for other icebreakers.


Dear CMX visitor and reader,

With that, these are our ten questions that make for good ice breakers. Obviously, there are hundreds of other ice breakers you can ask. So what are some of yours? Better yet, tell us if you tried these questions in the General Chat Room and what results they gave you. We would love to hear what you have to say.

~ cmx

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