Social media has revolutionized the way we interact with friends or foe, where technological advancements have reshaped communication as we know it.

But to what extent has social media interfered with our natural instincts as social creatures who crave real-life interactions? Nowadays, it’s too easy for us to settle for convenient social online alternatives where we’re never required to escape our comfort zone and embrace face-to-face communication.

This is one of a few reasons why social media has received skepticism, where many ponder over how its impact on society will shape future generations.

However, it’s important to remember it’s not all bad. In fact, when used to our advantage, social media can connect us from all corners of the globe, incentivizing interactivity between people who would otherwise fail to remain in touch.

It is very much a double-edged sword, where, like anything in this world, there are pros and cons to evaluate when addressing our social networking habits. This train of thought has generated many nuanced discussions about the impact of social media, particularly now we’re living in an era where research from Statista suggests 82% of US adults are using social media in some sort of capacity.

The sense of community it offers is perhaps outweighed by our tendency to be impulsive online users, where overuse can become a substitute for real life. But is that a human fault or does social media capitalize on our addictive nature?

It’s a tough one to work out, so for the purposes of this article we’re going to address some of the main advantages of using social media:


Is Social Media Really Our Enemy?

Despite often getting a bad reputation, the benefits of social media commemorate our ability to harness technology and utilize it to further our social aspirations. Let’s take a look at some of the ways social media benefits us:



One of the most obvious yet defined advantages of social media is its ability to connect users from all around the world. Being able to connect with others irrespective of location is a huge advantage that breaks down geographical barriers, one that enables you to remain in contact from the comfort of your own devices.

These levels of communication bring us closer together, accomplished via easily accessible means that unite us in the face of adversity. For example, imagine connecting with other users in online chatting groups like those found on CMX? Chatting with people in real-time was once a futuristic concept, but it appears we’re living in the future, today!



The advent of the internet has created multiple channels for online learning, where learners can take advantage of advanced online multimedia to achieve impressive results. When social media was introduced, eLearning catapulted to new heights, where interactive learning elements were introduced via social channels like chat forums, discussion boards, and more.

Online social networks have been emphasized as a huge benefit for learning endeavours, where we can simulate real-world learning environments from remote locations. The rise of social media has encouraged learners to engage within eLearning environments, where extensive use of internet tools and social platforms has encouraged users to embrace online education with open arms.

Chat forums are a great way to stay connected with others while studying. You can utilize safe online chat rooms like CMX to remain in contact with others, share learning needs, ask all-important questions, and collectively reach common learning goals.


Information and Updates

Social media enables us to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest goings-on from across the globe. As a social media user, you’ll appreciate the speed at which information reaches you, where it’s almost impossible to be in the dark with the news.

Social media is a hotbed of information/knowledge, where you can tap into different areas of interest based on your personal preferences.

Despite some censorship in recent times, social media has a greater tendency to provide unbiased information that conveys messages which are closer to the truth than commercial news. Social media has helped us disseminate factual information that resonates with everyday people, which from an all-encompassing perspective has brought us closer together. Users can embrace safe online chat rooms to share events in real-time, boosting our ability to receive information instantaneously.



Social media provides ample opportunity for business promotion, where companies can receive significant exposure via establishing a social media presence. By capitalizing on the power and incredible reach of social media, companies can generate more leads and ultimately become profitable when advertising is executed correctly.

The true influence of social media has been consolidated by Google using social media as a ranking factor for its search engine. A strong social media presence helps companies climb the rankings in search engines, meaning people are actively encouraged to engage with these platforms.

Social media can help to connect you with your target audience, especially if you embrace a social media strategy that aligns with today’s expectations.




Are We the Real Enemy?

Having outlined the benefits of social media, it would be difficult not to acknowledge the profound impact it has had on society. However, unfortunately, it has impacted us negatively too, for example, the way in which it has become a substitute for all-important real-world interactions.

When evaluating things from this perspective, it’s easy to see how social media can impede our progress as human beings. However, perhaps this says more about us than it does the technology itself.

Like anything in this world, when used in moderation social media can unlock portals into new realms. This in many ways contrasts what’s happened in actuality, where consumers have become consumed by social medias and neglect traditional interactions.

Perhaps social medias take advantage of our innate tendencies to become obsessed, addicted, and impulsive. Though easier said than done, perhaps we should exercise more self-control and break the shackles of social media to explore life with a physical presence.

This is of course an idealistic view, where the reality of the situation is that users are swayed to effortlessly engage with social medias as a preference due to its convenient, flexible nature. The fact it’s so easy to interact via social medias has created new societal contexts, where the instant gratification we’re accustomed to receiving can encourage further use.

Regardless of your stance on the issue, social media has transcended the world we live in, our very existence.

If you’re intrigued to chat more online, remember to do so sparingly and always remain in touch with your external surroundings. Once you find the best chatting website for you, you’ll be one step closer to utilizing social medias to your advantage. Thanks for reading this article, embrace the sociability of today’s online world while living your best life.

Now on to the meat of the subject: Continue to Social Media: Friend or Foe Part II 👈

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